Our Mission

The Gene Therapy Institute for Hispanic Medical Research
mission is to cure and develop novel, efficient and accessible therapies for diseases affecting the Hispanic community.

Donate Today

Please make a safe donation to the research program of the Gene Therapy Institute. Donations of any amount make a difference. The size of the donation is at your own discretion and will be kept confidential.


Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)

Charitable lead trusts (CLT) are often viewed as the opposite of a charitable remainder trust. You can transfer property to the lead trust, which pays a percentage of the value of the trust assets, usually for a term of year.

It works as follows:
  1. You can choose to donate cash, stocks or real estate properties to a trust.
  2. The trust will pay a percentage of the value of the trust assets to the Gene Therapy Institute for Hispanic Medical Research for a specific number of years.
  3. When the trust term is finished, the remaining assets in the trust and the growth go to your beneficiary.
The benefits of using Charitable Lead Trust donations:
  1. You will be eligible for charitable and estate tax deduction on the present value of assets transferred from the annuity payments to the Gene Therapy Institute.
  2. The income payments and the term of the trust can reduce or eliminate the transfer taxes due when the principal reverts to your beneficiary.
  3. All appreciation accrued in the trust goes tax-free to your beneficiary.
  4. You could utilize your existing estate tax credit ($2.0 million per person in 2007) for additional tax reduction on transfers to your beneficiary.
  5. You can enjoy the satisfaction of making a noteworthy donation to the Gene Therapy Institute.
  6. You transfer the management of your assets to the Institute.

For more information, please email us or call (530) 979-1288.