Our Mission

The Gene Therapy Institute for Hispanic Medical Research
mission is to cure and develop novel, efficient and accessible therapies for diseases affecting the Hispanic community.

Donate Today

Please make a safe donation to the research program of the Gene Therapy Institute. Donations of any amount make a difference. The size of the donation is at your own discretion and will be kept confidential.


Gifts of Life Insurance

If you desire to contribute to Gene Therapy Institute have many options on how to give. One of the most effective means to maximize giving is to use the gift of life insurance. There are several ways to give life insurance. While there are many different types of life insurance, the principle of giving remains the same: a relatively small donation will ultimately provide a much larger contribution in the future.

It works as follows:
  1. You will reassign the ownership of a paid life insurance policy to the Gene Therapy Institute.
  2. The Institute may cash the policy immediately or maintain the policy until the death of the insured.
The benefits of using Life Insurance donations:
  1. You will receive donation credit and a direct income tax deduction for the cash yield value of the insurance policy.
  2. You could use the cash value in your insurance policy to support a deferred gift annuity.
  3. You can enjoy the satisfaction of making a noteworthy donation to the Gene Therapy Institute.

For more information, please email us or call (530) 979-1288.